(49) 99911-4015. susana.battassini@hotmail.com

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to all for the first workshop with the theme "Physical Training for Runners"
The lecturer will be experienced Rafael Vargas, partner and owner of FDBKtraining, physical educator, specialist in exercise physiology and mountain and trail running athlete "mountain/Trail Runner".
Collecting in their luggage the most difficult and spectacular long-distance "endurance" events in the "trail runner and skyrunner" universe like the UltraFiordes in Chilean Patagonia, El Cruce de Los Andes , UltraMarathon of the Lost , MountBlanc's Ultra , Patagonia Run and recently the 100miles of the Indomit Costa Esmeralda .
Specific training for runners:
Physical assessment in runners
Physiological and biomechanical bases in running
Drawing up a plan and training routine
types of training
Educational and Corrective Exercises
Integrated training
Trail Run / Mountain Run
More about Rafael Vargas:
Rafael Vargas
CREF 010260-G/SC
Graduated in Physical Education
Specialist in Exercise Physiology - Exercise prescription
Co-founder FDBK Training
Personal Trainer - Functional Physical Training and Endurance Sports
Ultra Trail Athlete
Main evidence:
El Cruce Columbia – CL – 110 Km
Indomit Costa da Emeralda – BR – 100 Km
Yaboty Marathon – AR – 70 Km
Ultra Fiord - CL - 70 Km
Ultra Trail Du Mont Blanc CCC – FR / SW / IT – 101 Km
Patagonia RUN - AR - 100 Km
Indomit Costa Esmeralda - BR - 100 miles
To participate, you must access the link below and make the payment in the amount of R$60.00 by deposit or transfer to the SICOOB bank account, Current Account n. 21262-8, Agency no. 3033 (favored: Battassini&Battassini Ltda, CNPJ 01.861.755/0001-43) or directly at the Personal Fitness Academy. Inquiries, contact Susana Battassini 49 9 9911-4015.
Places are limited.
Personal Fitness® partnered with EcoFloripa, organizer of the most fantastic "trailRun" tests in the state, such as Desafio Praias e Trilhas, Desafrio Urubici, Desafio Praias e Ilhas, among other events.
The result of this partnership will be the drawing of two entries for the 2nd Edition Corrire Frai, which will be held in Fraiburgo-SC, on February 24, 2019.
Secure your seat in the Racing workshop and compete for the Corrre Frai application